Why I’m switching from Flutter and Dart to other Tech: A Personal Journey into Development

Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts! Today, I want to share a little story about my journey through the realms of programming.

Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts! Today, I want to share a little story about my journey through the realms of programming.

Short Backstory

I’ve been working for several years as a web designer and even though I love it, I was always fascinated by people who could create amazing tools by coding. From there, the idea that I could be one of them started to pop into my mind. But you know, ideas are amazing but easy to postpone. So I did for a long time.

Researching the Best

In 2023, I started to take the idea of becoming a developer more seriously and read a ton of content to understand which programming language would be the most suitable to learn. I spend hours going through blog posts, social media posts, comments, and everything I could consume related to the topic. People seemed to have a lot of opinions about which was the best stack to work with and I went down the rabbit hole without even realizing it. At the end of the day, this meant that:

  • I wasted a lot of time trying to understand something that it’s mostly subjective.
  • It generated a certain degree of confusion, preventing me from taking action.
  • I was not progressing in any direction.

Taking the Decision to Embark on a New Journey

At the end of 2023, tired of the status quo that I was in, I woke up and decided to embark on an exciting adventure into the world of Flutter and Dart. As a designer by trade, diving into the realm of development was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

I was armed with determination, fueled by the prospect of mastering a new skill set and expanding my horizons. I watched a lot of free content about it, I invested in courses, and I was super enthusiastic. After not so long I was able to create some super simple apps. I was very excited about this new journey because I was learning something new and I saw that I was able to create something. It looked like I was having a direction!

However, as the weeks passed, I found myself facing a steep learning curve. Transitioning from design to development wasn’t as seamless as I initially imagined. Don’t get me wrong; Flutter and Dart are incredibly powerful tools for building cross-platform applications. But for me, the unfamiliar territory was becoming a bit overwhelming.

Changing Direction and Facing the Consequences

After much contemplation and soul-searching, I made a decision that some might deem unconventional—I decided to pivot. Yes, you heard that right. I waved “Arrivederci” (goodbye) to Flutter and Dart, at least for the time being, and turned my focus towards something more familiar.

Now, you might be wondering why I chose to switch gears. Well, it wasn’t because Flutter and Dart aren’t fantastic technologies—they absolutely are. But sometimes, in our journey of growth and learning, it’s crucial to listen to our instincts and prioritize our well-being. I realized that in order to avoid burnout and stay motivated, I needed to navigate toward a path that felt more comfortable and aligned with my existing skills.

Revising and Expanding My Knowledge

So, I rolled up my sleeves and embarked on a journey back to the basics. I revisited CSS, HTML, and JavaScript concepts, reminding myself of the fundamental building blocks of web development. And let me tell you, there’s something strangely comforting about revisiting the familiar terrain.

The next steps came naturally as a consequence of the willingness to be able to create something. I delved deep into the world of TypeScript, React, and, of course, Next.js. With each line of code, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. It was like rediscovering an old passion, infused with newfound knowledge and perspective.

Now, you might be thinking, “But what about Flutter and Dart? Are you just abandoning them forever?” Well, not quite. While I may have shifted my focus for now, I haven’t closed the door on Flutter and Dart entirely. Who knows, maybe someday down the line, our paths will cross again, and I’ll pick up right where I left off.

What Now?

It’s difficult to predict what will happen from now on. Nevertheless, I am determined to share my insights, experiences, and expertise as I progress forward. I believe that my knowledge and perspectives could be valuable to others who may be traversing similar paths, and I look forward to making meaningful contributions and connections along the way.

The 3 Lessons I Learned

Three lessons I learned during these months are:

  1. Don’t waste time looking for the perfect solution (tech stack, programming language, etc.), it doesn’t exist.
  2. Take action as soon as possible, so you can see earlier if that path doesn’t suit you at that moment.
  3. Embrace change and be willing to adapt.

So here’s to new beginnings, to embracing the unknown, and to the endless possibilities that lie ahead. And who knows, maybe our paths will cross someday, in the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

Until then, happy coding, my friends!

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products I’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.

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