Monday Recap: Journey from Web Designer to a Web Developer [Week 1]

This week marked my journey from web designer to developer, diving into Flutter and Dart. It’s an exciting start to a new chapter in my career.

Welcome to my first Monday Recap of the year! As we kick off January, I’ve taken a bold step in my career: transitioning from a web designer to a web developer, with a specific focus on mobile app development using Flutter and Dart. This week has been an exhilarating mix of challenges and triumphs, marking the beginning of what I anticipate to be a transformative journey.

Why Flutter and Dart?

After extensive research, I chose Flutter and Dart for several reasons. Flutter’s ability to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase is incredibly appealing. It’s efficient, and a good option for a transition from web design to app development. Dart, the programming language used by Flutter, looks intuitive, offering a powerful platform to build upon.

My Learning Path This Week

  • Day 1 and 2: Dart Deep Dive I started with Dart, the backbone of Flutter. Understanding its syntax and core concepts was crucial. I spent the first two days on Dart’s official documentation and interactive tutorials, which were immensely helpful for getting started.
  • Day 3: Setting Up the Environment Setting up the development environment is always critical. I installed Flutter SDK, set up my editor, and ran my first “Hello, World!” app. It was a small but significant milestone!
  • Day 4 and 5: Exploring Flutter Widgets Widgets are the core concept of Flutter. I learned about Stateless and Stateful widgets and how they form the building blocks of a Flutter app. It’s fascinating how these widgets come together to create a seamless user interface.
  • Weekend Project: Dice Roller App Over the weekend, I built a Dice Roller app. This project allowed me to experiment with some of the most basic concept of Flutter. It was a fun and enlightening project that brought a game-like element to my learning.

Key Takeaways

  • Patience is Key: Transitioning from web design to development isn’t easy. There’s a lot to learn, and patience is essential.
  • Practical Application: The best way to learn is by doing. Developing the Dice Roller app this weekend was a practical way to reinforce my understanding of Flutter and Dart.

Looking Ahead

As I continue this journey, my focus for the upcoming week will be on practice the fundamental. I’m also planning to start a small blog series documenting my learning process, hoping it will help others on a similar path.

This transition is more than just acquiring a new skill set; it’s about evolving in my career. Stay tuned for more updates as I delve deeper into the world of mobile app development with Flutter and Dart!

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products I’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.

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